Features | RCS | SMS |
Character limit | No | Yes, 160 characters |
Send Images/Image sharing | Yes | No |
Send Documents/ Document Sharing | Yes | No |
Share Location/Location Sharing | Yes | No |
Video Call | Yes | No |
See read receipt | Yes | No |
Group Chat | Yes | No |
QR Codes | Yes | No |
Audio Messaging | Yes | No |
Business Account Verification | Yes | No |
Suggested Replies | Yes | No |
Typing Indicator | Yes | No |
Two-way Messaging | Yes | Yes |
Built-in native support | Yes(for android) | Yes |
Carousel Layout | Yes | No |
Payment Link | Yes | No |
Check the Google Play Store to see if an app update is available. If so, install it (you will also need to update the Carrier Services app on the Play Store) Once the Android Messages app and Carrier Services app are updated, Chat features will automatically be enabled.