With One-Click Payment, you can spare your frequent clients the trouble of having to re-enter their card information for each purchase. They can save their card data on the merchant's website after their first transaction and pay with a simple click after that.Accept payments more quickly and easily. With PayVG, you can ensure a flawless shopping experience for your consumers by allowing them to pay with one click rather of having to enter card information each time.
For registered returning customers, the PayVG one-click card payment system provides a convenient way to pay. A customer can pay with a single click after their first purchase. Further purchases can be made instantaneously, with no need to re-enter card information.
Your customer registers on your site and makes his or her first transaction.
The PayVG system tokenizes the card details he/she submits for the initial transaction (card number, first and last name of cardholder, CVV2/CVC2, expiration date).
The first payment's reference ID is saved in the system.
When a customer makes a purchase in your online store and selects the Pay with card option, the system remembers the reference ID from the previous transaction and charges his or her card.
That's all there is to it! Your buyer makes a payment and brings you profit with only one click.